Media Appearances:
Ms. Safani holds a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the State University of New York at Albany. She is a multi-certified, multi-award-winning resume writer and career strategist, the co-creator of the Career Directors International resume writing certification program, and creator of the industry’s first Social Media Strategist certification program facilitated by The Academies.
Ms. Safani has appeared as a career expert on CNN, CBS, ABC, FOX, and dozens of national radio shows including NPR and her career advice has been published in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The LA Times, USA Today, The Daily News, The San Francisco Chronicle, AM-New York, Fortune Magazine, Smart Money Magazine, Money Magazine, Oprah Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Monster, Yahoo HotJobs, AOL, CNN and MSNBC online, eFinancial Careers, and Dice.
She has been a career expert for CNN.com and Forbes.com and a lead blogger for AOL Jobs. In addition, she has been a resume expert and career strategist for CareerBuilder, BlueSteps, and Netshare.
She is the author of Guide to Executive Job Search, Happy About My Resume: 50 Tips For Building a Better Document to Secure a Brighter Future, Happy About My Job Search: How to Conduct an Effective Job Search for a More Successful Career, #JOBSEARCHtweet, and #SUCCESSFUL CORPORATE LEARNING tweet Book04 and her work is featured in more than two dozen career related publications.
Prior to starting her consultancy, Ms. Safani was a Human Resources executive for a Fortune 100 company where she oversaw management development, recruiting, and employee relations initiatives.