Negotiation Tip #2

Negotiation Tip #2

Never ignore job openings because of perceived salary shortcomings. In many cases, those who keep an open mind and interview for positions that at first glance might appear too junior can build a great deal of value into their candidacy by discussing additional...
Is it Time to Find a New Job?

Is it Time to Find a New Job?

Career Builder ran a piece today about deciding when it’s time to leave your current job. While the right time is different for everyone, here are the signs I recommend you look for when considering a job change or career move. Job change… You are no...
Why I Like Facebook

Why I Like Facebook

A colleague of mine recently emailed me this post from about Facebook and how this popular social networking tool can distract people and sap productivity. While the blogger makes some valid points about the questionable usefulness of certain Facebook...
Recession-Proof Your Career

Recession-Proof Your Career

According to an article in The New York Times, the U.S. Department of Labor reports that the unemployment rate as of December 2007 is 13.2% higher than it was in December 2006. Historically, a year-to-year difference of 13% or more has led to a recession. While these...