by Barbara Safani | Apr 27, 2023 | interviews
Get to know people who can help you find your next job — not necessarily the people doing the hiring, but the people who know those people. Make connections with local business leaders, government officials, bankers, angel investors, venture capitalists, commercial...
by Barbara Safani | Jan 10, 2023 | interviews
You interviewed for a job a few days ago, but haven’t heard anything from the company. Now what? Here’s some guidance for how — and when — to follow up after a job interview. Preparing for the Job Interview Follow-Up Even Before the Interview The best time to decide...
by Barbara Safani | Sep 21, 2022 | networking
The people you know can be the best way to find your next job. The “tried and true” path of networking is still the most successful way to find your next position. According to a recent Jobvite Job Seeker Nation survey, most workers find out about job openings from...
by Barbara Safani | Apr 27, 2022 | salary negotiation
Clarity is coming for jobseekers in some states as new laws go into effect requiring certain employers to provide salary ranges to candidates in the job posting or during the interview or salary negotiation process. Pay transparency can take many forms, from including...
by Barbara Safani | Feb 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
I often remind job seekers that past performance is the best predictor of future success. Recruiters and hiring managers assessing candidates are looking for proof that you can do the job. Oneof the best ways to assess that is reviewing your accomplishments from...