What are Resume Keywords?

What are Resume Keywords?

We’ve all searched for something online by typing in a word or phrase that closely resembles the type of information we are looking for. We find information and make decisions about products and services via these types of searches. Employers use a similar...
How to Fix Four Common Resume Mistakes

How to Fix Four Common Resume Mistakes

I review a lot of resumes. And most of them have at least one of four major problems related to content, style, and form. Does your resume fall into one or more of these categories? If so, it may be time to perform a checkup on your resume to improve the overall...
Does Anyone Care About Your Resume Font?

Does Anyone Care About Your Resume Font?

Last week AOL Jobs interviewed me for an article about fonts and asked me which fonts were preferable for resumes. While many fonts including Arial, Arial Narrow, Times New Roman, and Calibri are fine, others really have no place on a resume. You can click the link to...