by Barbara Safani | Jan 4, 2022 | Uncategorized
Are you happy with your job? Are you happy with your life? The end of the year is a natural time to take stock of the past year and plan for the year ahead. This career planner is designed to guide you in taking a look back at 2021 and looking ahead to 2022. Most...
by Barbara Safani | Sep 7, 2021 | career management, networking
LinkedIn has been an excellent tool for my job search clients. It has made it exponentially easier to source and introduce contacts and bridge the gap between candidates and decision makers. Yet whether it is being used for a job search or general sales prospecting,...
by Barbara Safani | Aug 17, 2021 | career management, interviews
As the pace of recruiting continues to quicken in the third quarter of 2021, my clients are more regularly being asked about their crisis management skills, particularly in light of the recent global pandemic. Operating in a Covid-19 environment added an additional...
by Barbara Safani | Jun 17, 2021 | career management, job search, resume
Many of my clients are at a place in their careers where they would like to be considered for board roles. But most approach the process with a resume that may be suited for operating roles, but falls flat for board seats. Boards are looking for candidates that are...
by Barbara Safani | Mar 16, 2021 | career management, job search, resume
Many of my executive clients retain my services to prepare them for a search for their next big role in a public company. And while that is certainly one option to explore, the reality is that the higher you are in seniority, the fewer the options for those plum...