Writing a Resume That Cuts to the Chase

Writing a Resume That Cuts to the Chase

When it comes to resumes, longer is rarely better. In today’s fast-paced world, hiring managers generally spend less than 15 seconds looking at a resume. They want to be able to see your key differentiators quickly, and they will rarely look past page two to...
Common Interview Questions and What They Mean

Common Interview Questions and What They Mean

Have you ever wondered why an interviewer asks certain interview questions? Some of the questions seem so vague and random that it can be hard to figure out the logic behind the interview process. What’s right? What’s wrong? What does the hiring manager...
Career Advice From the Class of 2015

Career Advice From the Class of 2015

This week my first child began her college career. I’ve told her dozens of stories about my college experience but on this day I was thinking more about the college experience from the parent’s perspective. The day brought back a memory of my father and...
Sharing and Honoring My 9/11 Story

Sharing and Honoring My 9/11 Story

After 9/11 I took the subway down to lower Manhattan because it was something I felt I needed to do. Like many people, I’d been struggling with how to make sense of it all, how to explain it to my young children who were surrounded by reminders of that day, and...