Thank You Letter Q&A

Thank You Letter Q&A

Etiquette regarding sending a thank you letter following the job interview continues to baffle job seekers. Here are the most common questions I get regarding thank you letters. Do hiring authorities really read thank you letters? What information should be included...
Hedge Fund Hiring on the Rise

Hedge Fund Hiring on the Rise

According to a recent survey of 313 hedge funds conducted by accounting and consultancy firm Rothstein Kass, 75 percent of respondents expect more funds to launch this year and 60 percent expect fewer closures. The survey suggests that due to increasing allocations...
Changing Careers: Look Before You Leap

Changing Careers: Look Before You Leap

This month’s Career Collective post offers advice for career changers. You can find additional suggestions from my esteemed colleagues at the end of this post. I frequently talk to people who want to change careers. They often tell me one of these four things: I...