Tweet Your Job Search

Tweet Your Job Search

I’ve written frequently about the value of journaling during a job search as a way to record your activity and your feelings during the process. By keeping track of what’s happening along the journey you can learn many valuable lessons and potentially...
Twitter, Bret Michaels and Job Search

Twitter, Bret Michaels and Job Search

I’ve never really been a big fan of Poison or Bret Michaels. I don’t have any of his music on my iPod and when Rock of Love came out I rolled my eyes. But all that changed this week when it was reported that Bret Michaels had suffered from a brain...
A New Way to Clean Up Digital Dirt?

A New Way to Clean Up Digital Dirt?

The boomers and Gen X’ers are often the first ones to point fingers at the Gen Ys for being too relaxed about what they post online. But the way I see it, this generation may actually be the most enlightened when it comes to managing their digital dirt. The New...