by Barbara Safani | Nov 29, 2018 | career solvers news
I am pleased to announce that Career Solvers recently won three of the industry’s most prestigious resume writing awards. As the winner of the Modernize Your Resume Award, sponsored by Emerald Career Publishing, my work was recognized for its tight writing,...
by Barbara Safani | Nov 26, 2018 | career management, job search, networking
Despite popular belief, the holiday season is a great time to continue your job search efforts to accelerate potential activity in December and the New Year. Here are 12 networking tips for the holiday season. Attend holiday parties. Many professional associations...
by Barbara Safani | Oct 26, 2018 | job search, networking, on-line identity, social media for job search
When you start a job search, reaching out to people you know for introductions and leads is critical. But it can be challenging to get a handle on and mobilize your network, particularly if it is large or if you have been out of touch with key contacts for a while. A...
by Barbara Safani | Sep 15, 2018 | interviews
More and more employers are conducting first and even second round phone interviews for executive candidates rather than in-person interviews. These meetings should be taken just as seriously as in-person interviews. Will you be prepared? Here are five tips. Practice...
by Barbara Safani | Jul 7, 2018 | job search
Are you making these mistakes in your job search? Chances are, you’re making at least one or two — if not more! Go through this checklist and mark which mistakes you’re currently making — and then follow the suggestions to learn how to stop making that mistake!...