Five Ways to Sink a Job Offer

Five Ways to Sink a Job Offer

After discussing the salary negotiation process with more than a thousand clients, I’ve found that many of them made mistakes in the past that we corrected during our coaching sessions so they could have better outcomes. Some negotiate too aggressively, damaging the...
Anti-Aging Techniques for Your Resume

Anti-Aging Techniques for Your Resume

While job seekers can’t turn back the clock, there are some things they can do to remain relevant in the eyes of the employer. By making some simple upgrades to your search strategy, you can potentially eliminate some of the bias associated with older workers. Here...
Interview Lessons from Mariah Carey

Interview Lessons from Mariah Carey

By now you’ve probably heard about Mariah Carey’s unfortunate performance on New Year’s Eve. Some of the things that occurred reminded me of similar things that can happen if you are unprepared for an interview. And while you most likely won’t be interviewing in front...