positive.JPGYesterday I wrote about shifting job search complaints to opportunities. The book, The No Complaining Rule, also recommends five things to do instead of complaining. Here’s my take on how this can be applicable in a job search.

  1. Practice Gratitude. Not everyone can help in a job search, but many will try. Be thankful for the advice, support, time, and financial resources others may offer you during your job search.
  2. Praise Others. Celebrate other people’s successes and find something positive to say even when they don’t do everything perfectly. You will be remembered for your words of praise and as a result, people may be more likely to help you in your time of need.
  3. Focus on Success. Job seekers often have self-defeating self-talks and behaviors. Try to reflect on at least one success story each day and record your successes in a  job journal.
  4. Let Go. You can’t control the outcome of the interview. Focus on what you can control by being as prepared as possible for your interviews.
  5. Pray and Meditate. Scientific research shows that these daily rituals reduce stress. If prayer doesn’t do it for you, find another stress buster such as exercise, a massage, or reading a good book…whatever works for you. Find some time each day to focus on you.