by Barbara Safani | Jul 10, 2009 | career management
I’ve spent the last week absorbing all the information about Michael Jackson and reading several blog posts about the Michael Jackson “brand.” I’ve been pondering what Michael Jackson can teach us about our careers and personal branding and...
by Barbara Safani | Jul 7, 2009 | career management, interviews, on-line identity
As the parent of two teenagers, I think a lot about what the world of job search and work will be like when my kids venture out in search of their first job in the next six to ten years. I’ve been observing how integral technology is to their everyday life and...
by Barbara Safani | Jun 17, 2009 | career management, career solvers news, networking
This week I was awarded the Breiger Award from the Human Resources Association of New York, HR/NY, the country’s largest chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management, SHRM. The award honors exceptional service to the chapter and the HR community and I...
by Barbara Safani | Jun 13, 2009 | career management
Last week I was invited to be part of a panel discussion for a presentation called Overcoming the Fear: Career Strategies for Success in Today’s Economy hosted by the Human Resources Association of New York. For many, when they first embark on a job search, they...
by Barbara Safani | Jun 9, 2009 | career management, career research, networking
Today while facilitating a monthly Netshare meeting in New York City, one of the participants mentioned the fact that one of the difficulties in job search is that there is often no way to gauge daily success and job seekers often wonder if they are being productive...
by Barbara Safani | May 11, 2009 | career management, career research
A few weeks ago I listened to a presentation on green jobs by Carol McClelland of GreenCareerCentral. According to the United Nations Environment Programme Green Jobs report, “green jobs include work in agricultural, manufacturing, research and development,...