by Barbara Safani | Mar 7, 2009 | career management, networking
I receive a lot of invitations on LinkedIn and while I am happy to accept most of them, sometimes the invite process is so poorly managed that the last thing I want to do is connect. Since I seem to see the same LinkedIn networking mistakes repeated over and over, I...
by Barbara Safani | Mar 6, 2009 | career management, career research, interviews
Last week I wrote about networking lessons learned from my son, so I couldn’t go more than a few days without writing about my daughter and what lessons she has taught me that can be applied to a job search. My daughter is into performing; mostly singing and...
by Barbara Safani | Mar 3, 2009 | career management, on-line identity, resume
I recently spoke to job seekers at the Women For Hire Career Expo in New York City and discussed the importance of career branding which essentially means creating a clear and compelling message of value that you can present to employers in multiple ways. In these...
by Barbara Safani | Feb 28, 2009 | career management, networking
Over the past 13 years I’ve been observing the development of my son and watching how he interacts with people. One of his most endearing qualities is his giving and supportive nature which for years I just interpreted as sweet but now I see as having the...
by Barbara Safani | Feb 19, 2009 | career management, career solvers news
Career Solvers is pleased to announce a new free e-book on our site called The Best Career Strategies of 2009. This book has great tips on personal branding, career branding, networking, LinkedIn, Twitter, resume portfolios, and much more more. Get your free...
by Barbara Safani | Feb 18, 2009 | career management, interviews
Job search can be a very stressful time for people. With bills piling up, extended periods of unemployment can wreak havoc on your savings and your sanity. If you find yourself spending hours searching job postings, researching companies, surfing business and social...