by Barbara Safani | Sep 2, 2008 | career management, networking, on-line identity
Over on the Stealth Networking Blog, Liz Lynch writes about networking apathy and ways to overcome it. Sometimes people who struggle with networking resist it because they feel the process is unnatural and puts them in situations where they are not comfortable. The...
by Barbara Safani | Aug 22, 2008 | career management
What happens when you find a position that looks like a great match, but it requires that you work for someone who is 10, 15, or even 20 years younger than you? As people stay in the workforce longer, this may be one of the new realities of the 21st century workforce....
by Barbara Safani | Aug 21, 2008 | career management, resume
If you have been following the Olympics and the women’s gymnastic competition, you already know that there has been some speculation around the ages of some of the Chinese gymnasts. In light of some new evidence, the IOC is planning an investigation to determine...
by Barbara Safani | Aug 15, 2008 | career management, resume
Scot Herrick of Cube Rules recently commented on my blog about his distaste for “corporate speak” on resumes and that got me thinking about where much of this “corporate speak” originates…from job postings. So I took a quick tour...
by Barbara Safani | Aug 8, 2008 | career management, networking, resume
A few days ago I heard a story about someone who quit their job over the content of an email. Through conversation and a few apologies, the employee returned to work, but when you think about it, it’s amazing how powerful email can be. A mis-use of capital...
by Barbara Safani | Jul 15, 2008 | career management, on-line identity, resume
I just finished reading Thad Greer’s book, Executive Rules. The book is an excellent resource that can help job seekers effectively navigate their searches and negotiate potential land mines. Here are a few of Thad’s key takeaways: Have a professional...