by Barbara Safani | Apr 25, 2008 | career management, on-line identity
A reader recently asked if I could post some tips to help students maximize their LinkedIn profiles. Here are my recommendations: Include your overall GPA and/or the GPA in your major area of study if they are impressive. List honors and scholarships as well. Flesh...
by Barbara Safani | Apr 16, 2008 | career management, on-line identity
According to a recent poll of 611 recruiters conducted by Inside Recruiting, more than one-third of respondents site LinkedIn as their preferred method for conducting background research on candidates. So what does this mean to job seekers? There is an enormous...
by Barbara Safani | Apr 9, 2008 | career management
According to a recent report released by Forrester Research, none of the company career sites recently surveyed are making the grade for usability and performance testing. Common problems on the sites include missing content and functions, poor navigation, difficult...
by Barbara Safani | Mar 22, 2008 | career management
I was recently interviewed by The Washington Post for an article on how to effectively navigate a job fair. I view job fairs as functions similar to networking events. Rather than trying to meet every employer at the event, do some research ahead of time on which...
by Barbara Safani | Mar 15, 2008 | career management
There are four methods of job search and I encourage job seekers to use all of them…but not dedicate an equal amount of time to each. When you are in search, looking for a job is your full-time job and you should plan to dedicate 35-40 hours per week in search...
by Barbara Safani | Feb 25, 2008 | career management
Frequently I see job seekers spending too much time searching for leads online. They may spend a whole day searching online and pat themselves on the back at the end of the day and feel a strong sense of accomplishment for working so hard. They may be working hard,...