by Barbara Safani | Jan 21, 2008 | career management
Career Builder ran a piece today about deciding when it’s time to leave your current job. While the right time is different for everyone, here are the signs I recommend you look for when considering a job change or career move. Job change… You are no...
by Barbara Safani | Jan 19, 2008 | career management
According to an article in The New York Times, the U.S. Department of Labor reports that the unemployment rate as of December 2007 is 13.2% higher than it was in December 2006. Historically, a year-to-year difference of 13% or more has led to a recession. While these...
by Barbara Safani | Jan 14, 2008 | career management
I just finished reading Confessions of a Resilient Entrepreneur by Frumi Rachel Barr which chronicles one entrepreneur’s professional and personal life over several decades. After owning several businesses, Barr became a business coach and a lot of her advice...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 31, 2007 | career management
In the spirit of the New Year, here are some easy to implement resolutions to get your career management strategy on track for 2008. Go to lunch. I meet a lot of people who never take a lunch hour because they are too busy working. Don’t make this mistake. The...
by Barbara Safani | Nov 8, 2007 | career management
Yesterday I blogged on four strategies for reducing stress during a job search. Here are three more recommendations. Communicate with your Family If you don’t talk about your search with a spouse or significant other, you could be creating additional stress in the...
by Barbara Safani | Nov 7, 2007 | career management
Job loss ranks high on the list of most stressful situations. Many report going through a grieving process, similar to the stages people go through after the death of a loved one. Shock, denial, anger, and depression are all common reactions to the loss of a job....