by Barbara Safani | Oct 20, 2008 | career solvers news, cover letters, resume
Each year, Career Directors International hosts the TORI (Toast of the Resume Industry) international awards competition. This year, Career Solvers received five nominations and three 2nd place awards in the following categories: Best Executive Resume Best Creative...
by Barbara Safani | Sep 9, 2008 | career solvers news, resume
Career Solvers will be presenting three resume workshops for the National Society for Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA) at Columbia University on Saturday, September 13, 2008 to help prepare participants for the association’s national conference in Atlanta in October. Over...
by Barbara Safani | Sep 1, 2008 | career solvers news, resume
Career Solvers’ article 15 Tips For Your Resume to Do List, recently received praise on The Riley Guide, as a marvelous list of short but great suggestions for creating a more user-friendly resume. Since 1994, the Riley Guide has been providing excellent career...
by Barbara Safani | Aug 18, 2008 | career solvers news, resume
September is a time of new beginnings. The kids go back to school, Fall begins, and many companies start aggressively recruiting after the slower-paced summer months. September is the perfect time to update your resume. Here are a few points to consider if you plan on...
by Barbara Safani | Aug 7, 2008 | career solvers news
Career Solvers’ advice on salary negotiations was recently published in Job Search Bloopers: Every Mistake You Can Make on the Road to Career Suicide…and How to Avoid Them by Laura DeCarlo and Susan Guarneri. The book also features advice from leading...
by Barbara Safani | Jul 23, 2008 | career solvers news
Each year, Career Directors International, a leading organization for career professionals, hosts the TORI (Toast of the Resume Industry) to acknowledge the best work of resume writers around the world. This year, Career Solvers received 5 nominations in the following...