by Barbara Safani | Jan 20, 2010 | career research
CareerBuilder internal data suggests that 34% of candidates that try to apply for a job don’t because the application process is too much of a hassle. 24% report the “apply now” link is broken and 21% report that the long application process...
by Barbara Safani | Oct 31, 2009 | career management, career research
In honor of Job Action Day, The Career Collective is offering advice and strategies on how job seekers can secure their future in a changed economy. Here are my thought on the topic… Frequently when I work with job seekers, many think about their skill sets as...
by Barbara Safani | Oct 29, 2009 | career research
Recently I talked to G.L. Hoffman, Chairman of, a site that aggregates and publishes only jobs listed on corporate web sites from thousands of companies around the U.S. LinkUp came about because of a team of developers and marketers who understood what...
by Barbara Safani | Oct 23, 2009 | career research
Best Companies to Work for in New York is a competition that recognizes New York State employers who have created a culture where employees love to come to work. Identifying and recognizing these employers is a joint effort of the New York State Society for Human...
by Barbara Safani | Jul 23, 2009 | career management, career research, resume
I was recently approached for an interview with Kristen Bellstrom, a journalist for Smart Money Magazine for an article on the resume writing/career coaching industry. I had surmised going into this that Smart Money would make a concerted effort to show readers how...
by Barbara Safani | Jun 9, 2009 | career management, career research, networking
Today while facilitating a monthly Netshare meeting in New York City, one of the participants mentioned the fact that one of the difficulties in job search is that there is often no way to gauge daily success and job seekers often wonder if they are being productive...