Google is Number One

Google is Number One

Fortune magazine just released their 100 Best Companies to Work For list for 2007 and Google is number one. Read why here or check out the list to see who else is in the top 100.
Fast Company’s 10 Hot Jobs for 2007

Fast Company’s 10 Hot Jobs for 2007

The New Year is usually the time when most people examine their current job status and make a resolution for change in the coming year. An intelligent career marketing strategy should incorporate research on the current trends in industry, demographics, and culture....
2006 Catalyst Award Winners

2006 Catalyst Award Winners

Catalyst, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing women in the workplace, presents annual awards to companies it believes have done an outstanding job of providing opportunities for development and advancement to its women employees.The winners for 2006...
Top 50 Employers for People Over 50

Top 50 Employers for People Over 50

Frequently my “over 50” clients are concerned about potential “aegism” when they conduct a job search. In such situations I strongly recommend that they invest the time to research which companies embrace older workers and publicize their...
Job Market Wide Open For Accountants

Job Market Wide Open For Accountants

According to the most recent survey by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, enrollment in undergraduate accounting programs has increased 19% between the years 2000 and 2004. Ever since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the demand for accountants has...
Top 100 Companies for Working Moms

Top 100 Companies for Working Moms

Today a client asked me how feasible it is for a woman who is working and caring for young children to negotiate flexible work hours with a prospective employer. One of the best ways to successfully negotiate a flexible arrangement is to proactively seek interviews...