Digital Dirt Strikes Again!

Digital Dirt Strikes Again!

Ms. New Jersey’s recent experience with digital dirt may serve as a cautionary tale to all job seekers. Setting your Facebook or MySpace page to private does not ensure that the photos will stay that way. Fortunately for Amy Polumbo, the pageant board did not...
Facebook – Not Just for College Kids

Facebook – Not Just for College Kids

According to a recent article in Fast Company, Facebook members are not just college students anymore. Three million of their users are between the ages of 25 and 34. 380,000 are between 35 and 44, 310,000 are between 45 and 63, and 100,000 are 64 and older. In...
Down and Dirty

Down and Dirty

Recently a colleague of mine was recruiting for a fairly entry level supervisor role managing a team of telemarketers. After reviewing the resumes, only one stood out and my colleague was seriously considering bringing the candidate in for an interview even though he...
Scrubbing Digital Dirt

Scrubbing Digital Dirt

Yesterday I blogged about some new tools for improving your online visbility and removing unwanted entries from your profile. Today I read an article on Dice referencing a recent survey conducted by ExecuNet stating that 75% of 102 executive recruiters perform routine...