Career Cushioning

Career Cushioning

The time to prepare for a job search is while you’re still employed. This concept is called “Career Cushioning.” Prepare yourself for a soft landing at a new job by being proactive about a job search and creating alternate paths to new employment in case of a layoff...
Career Solvers Wins TORI Award

Career Solvers Wins TORI Award

I’m pleased to announce that one of my resumes was recognized by Career Directors International in the Best Technology Resume category. Colleagues from all over the world compete for this prestigious honor, and I was proud to have my work selected.
Networking in a Confidential Job Search

Networking in a Confidential Job Search

Have you ever been surprised when a friend announces a new job, and you didn’t even know they were looking? You can use networking even when quietly searching for a new position. However, the more people who know you’re looking for a new job, the more likely your...