Seven Things You Don’t Want to Have on Your Resume

Seven Things You Don’t Want to Have on Your Resume

While every job seeker is unique, here are some general items I recommend leaving off of your resume to achieve optimal results. 1. Objectives Most hiring managers I talk to are not interested in reading resume objectives. Frequently objectives sound very cliched and...
Four Tips for Career Change Cover Letters

Four Tips for Career Change Cover Letters

A client recently asked, “How do you write a cover letter for a job you have no experience in? It can be difficult to write a cover letter for a position when you don’t have any previous experience in that field.” Employers tend to favor candidates...
LinkedIn Tips From the Experts

LinkedIn Tips From the Experts

LinkedIn is currently 135 million members strong. Today I listened to a LinkedIn presentation given by their Public Relations Assistant, Erin O’Harra, and hosted by Career Directors International. O’Harra gave a lot of great advice for LinkedIn newbies and...