by Barbara Safani | Nov 7, 2011 | interviews, resume
I chat with recruiters frequently and I often ask them this question: “If you could tell job seekers one thing, what would it be?” Here are their top responses. Be transparent. If there is a gap on your resume, explain it on the document itself. If you...
by Barbara Safani | Nov 2, 2011 | on-line identity, personal branding
Career Solvers is pleased to announce the 2011 updated version of our Online Identity & Networking Tools e-Book with more than 70 links and explanations of the hottest tools for business networking, social networking, online identity, blogging, microblogging,...
by Barbara Safani | Oct 31, 2011 | resume
In honor of Halloween, I’m sharing some really scary things written on resumes. If you think these are scary, you should read the whole list at Objective: To acquire a creative development position within the entertainment industry that would utilize...
by Barbara Safani | Oct 27, 2011 | career management
Women now make up at least half of the American workforce. And based on a research study from the Pew Research Center, one out of five married women are more educated and earn more money than their husbands. Yet despite these strides, working women are facing more...
by Barbara Safani | Oct 26, 2011 | career management
After reading Evil Hr Lady’s post on breastfeeding at work about a working mom whose formerly accommodating boss is now putting restrictions on pumping breast milk at work, I started thinking about how far working nursing moms have come and how far they still...
by Barbara Safani | Oct 25, 2011 | career management
Sure, by now you know that displaying pictures of you partying on Facebook or tweeting about how much you hate your boss are electronic no nos. But there are other, less well known faux pas that people are making every day at work that can get them and their employers...
by Barbara Safani | Oct 24, 2011 | resume
This may just be the No. 1 question I am asked regarding resumes. People seem to think that the length of a resume plays a key factor in whether or not the resume gets read. But the reality is that resumes rarely get read, no matter how short or long they are. At...
by Barbara Safani | Oct 20, 2011 | interviews
The time in between an interview and decisions for the next round of interviews can feel like an eternity when you are anxious to move your job search forward. But what can you do in conjunction with the interview process to follow up strategically and intelligently?...
by Barbara Safani | Oct 19, 2011 | on-line identity
According to surveys done by CareerBuilder, Job Vite, and Execunet, over 50 percent of recruiters and hiring managers conduct online research on job seekers, before ever calling them in for an interview. Yet it can be challenging to be found online, especially if you...
by Barbara Safani | Oct 18, 2011 | resume
We’ve all searched for something online by typing in a word or phrase that closely resembles the type of information we are looking for. We find information and make decisions about products and services via these types of searches. Employers use a similar...