Do You Have Interview-Ready Hair?

Do You Have Interview-Ready Hair?

I’ve known a lot of men who were sensitive about their hair. Guys who didn’t want to part with their long locks for the sake of an office job, men who were concerned they didn’t have enough hair, and others who checked out the gray around the temples...
LinkedIn and Random Hooking Up

LinkedIn and Random Hooking Up

I received a LinkedIn invitation today that read: John Doe (not his real name) has indicated you are a colleague from Pfizer Corporation (not his real company). Here’s the problem. I don’t know John Doe and I never worked for Pfizer. John Doe is gaming the...
Four Interview Tips for Sarah Palin

Four Interview Tips for Sarah Palin

You could say that Sarah Palin had a bad interview experience last week when she visited Boston and was asked about Paul Revere’s famous ride. Here are four interview tips for Palin and anyone else trying to perform better during an interview. Research the...
Thank You Letter Q&A

Thank You Letter Q&A

Etiquette regarding sending a thank you letter following the job interview continues to baffle job seekers. Here are the most common questions I get regarding thank you letters. Do hiring authorities really read thank you letters? What information should be included...