by Barbara Safani | Dec 28, 2009 | on-line identity, personal branding
As many of you know by now, I’m a big fan of Twitter and I use it on a regular basis to share musings on the job search process and to build community with my colleagues, friends, and job seekers. But many job seekers are still somewhat perplexed by Twitter and...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 24, 2009 | career management, networking
Everyone wants to help a friend in need. Especially during the holiday season where depression over a job search can be at an all time high. And if you have a friend who is currently in job search, the natural tendency is to try more diligently to help him during this...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 23, 2009 | career management
I was recently reminded of a client that came to me several years ago. When I met him and we discussed his resume, he expressed a concern over his lack of education and how he would be perceived by employers. I assumed he was concerned about not having a college...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 21, 2009 | resume
Yesterday was my son’s birthday. It is a tradition in our family to tell our kids the story of the day they were born each year on their birthday. And while I’ve been telling my son this story for the past 13 years, it has always been somewhat sanitized....
by Barbara Safani | Dec 17, 2009 | career management, personal branding
The topic of Tiger Woods’ tarnished brand is all over the Internet, TV, and print media. And while I understand the commentary I think that the concept of celebrity branding is doomed to fail because celebrity brands often represent attributes that nobody can...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 16, 2009 | resume
I just bought a pair of new running shoes. You are supposed to replace your running shoes every 300 to 500 miles depending on your running style, weight, and the sneaker. My sneakers had seen at least double that amount of mileage. The tread on both sneakers was worn...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 15, 2009 | career management, interviews, networking, on-line identity, personal branding, resume
My son is getting braces. In order to prepare for the braces, he first needs to wear a special “appliance” to realign his jaw. When you look in his mouth it looks like he has four giant screws in the back, all in different places. Each time he closes his...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 11, 2009 | career management
I’ve had several different jobs over the course of my life. But there is one job that I currently hold and will always consider my best job. Many factors make this job challenging including: Ambiguous Goals…This job offered little to no training and it...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 9, 2009 | career management, networking
This month, members of the Career Collective are discussing tips to help job seekers ramp up their efforts for the holiday season and New Year. Here are my thoughts on making the most of your job search during the holiday season. I’ve been spending the past few...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 7, 2009 | interviews
This weekend I attended a workshop on story telling facilitated by a company called Narativ. During the workshop, I learned how to tell a better story and be a better listener. One of the most memorable exercises of the day was when each person in the group was asked...