by Barbara Safani | Feb 17, 2009 | career management, networking, on-line identity
Lately I’ve been reading a lot of status updates on LinkedIn and Facebook that say things like “Project Manager professional looking for work” or “Looking for work in a tough economy” or “Just received my degree in...
by Barbara Safani | Feb 16, 2009 | career management, resume
Last week I interviewed Lance Reed, Senior Manager of Jobvue, to learn more about this job posting board with some interesting twists. What makes Jobvue different from other job boards? ” What makes Jobvue different is the features and pricing strategy we offer....
by Barbara Safani | Feb 10, 2009 | career management, career research, Happy About My Resume, on-line identity
Happy About publishers is offering a 10% discount on their line of career books by using “Career Books” in the coupon field after purchasing the eBook or paperback version of any of the books on this page. Here’s a sneak peak of what’s on the...
by Barbara Safani | Feb 7, 2009 | career management, interviews, networking, resume, salary negotiation
When I want to get an important piece of job search information out to my readers quickly, I often write a mini blog post on the microblog Twitter. I’ve culled my top ten tweets over recent months and posted them below. If you want to read all my posts on...
by Barbara Safani | Feb 3, 2009 | Happy About My Resume, resume
You’ve heard it before…Most hiring managers spend less than 30 seconds looking at a candidate’s resume. How can you ensure that your resume passes the hiring authority’s initial screening and gets put in the “yes” pile? Find out on...
by Barbara Safani | Jan 31, 2009 | salary negotiation
ABC’s 20/20 recently ran a story on salary transparency and interviewed Suzie Orman and Penelope Trunk who advocate for full disclosure of all employees’ salaries. I can’t agree that knowing the exact salaries of everyone in your office is a sound...
by Barbara Safani | Jan 29, 2009 | interviews
I just read an interesting article in Harvard Business called “The Interview Question You Should Always Ask.”According to author, Peter Bregman of Bregman Partners, asking candidates what they do in their spare time can provide valuable insight into their...
by Barbara Safani | Jan 26, 2009 | cover letters, interviews, resume
For this week’s final post in the Ask the Recruiter series, I interviewed Winnie Corton. She has held several human resource roles in the financial services, retail, pharmaceutical, and not for profit sectors and most recently she was a recruiter for Citigroup....
by Barbara Safani | Jan 22, 2009 | career management, Happy About My Resume, networking, on-line identity
Something big is happening today, Thursday, January 22nd. When you purchase Chris Muccio, Peggy Murrah, and David Burn’s new book 42 Rules for 24-Hour Success on LinkedIn, you will receive my book, Happy About My Resume: 50 Tips for Building a Better Document to...
by Barbara Safani | Jan 21, 2009 | Happy About My Resume, resume
Last week I was interviewed by Krishna De of Blog Talk Radio about my new book Happy About My Resume: 50 Tips for Building a Better Document to Secure a Brighter Future. During the interview, I discussed some of the top resume mistakes including: Lack of a clear focus...