by Barbara Safani | Dec 24, 2008 | networking, on-line identity
I still meet a lot of people in job search who are not familiar with LinkedIn or if they are, they have no idea how to leverage its power for an effective job search campaign. I just finished reading 42 Rules for 24-Hour Success on LinkedIn. This is a great book for...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 23, 2008 | resume
I’m on vacation in Egypt this week and I spent the day in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The art here is nothing short of amazing and the condition of the art is such that it is hard to believe that some of these pieces are over 4,000 years old. But the way the...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 17, 2008 | interviews
According to HR Magazine’s SHRM 2009 HR Trend Book, Google, known for its innovative culture, is putting a new twist on the interview process. They are using a technique known as crowd sourcing, which is based on James Surowiecki’s work and his belief that...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 16, 2008 | career management
When I write resumes for my clients, I gather as much information as possible about their background and accomplishments and I frequently review their past performance appraisals or letters or recommendation to gather additional information about their...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 15, 2008 | career management
As the financial services giants continue to struggle, its employees are left scratching their heads trying to figure out their next career move. Many people identify with their industry and find it challenging to see past their industry role when that industry begins...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 11, 2008 | career management
Today is my daughter’s 16th birthday and it has been a day of reflection for me. Perhaps I’m particularly introspective this year because I see this birthday as such a milestone as she begins to leave her childhood behind and embark on her journey into...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 3, 2008 | career management, networking
I often blog about the important role affinity groups play in a career transition. Affinity groups based on gender or age offer a unique type of bond and networking opportunity and today I learned about a group with an incredible support system and bountiful...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 2, 2008 | career management, networking
Sometimes reconnecting with someone you haven’t talked to in awhile can be awkward. And if you only reach out to your network when you need something, your intentions may be questioned.It is important to stay connected to your network throughout the year, but if...
by Barbara Safani | Dec 1, 2008 | networking, on-line identity
Over the weekend I read Twitter Means Business: How Microblogging Can Help or Hurt Your Business by Julio Ojeda-Zapata. The book explores how Twitter can help companies put a human face on their businesses, build a following, and deepen customer relationships. Julio...
by Barbara Safani | Nov 28, 2008 | career management, networking, on-line identity
I just finished reading the second edition of I’m on LinkedIn…Now What???. LinkedIn has undergone some big changes since author Jason Alba released the book’s first edition in 2007 and Jason does a great job of summarizing these enhancements. He has...